Monday, January 19, 2009

Entering the Channels

Sunset at Puerto Santa Domingo

Volcan Chaitan

Natural Haul out with a 20ft tide

We are now entering the proper Patagonia Channels. After cruising the gulf and islands of the Chiloe area, the channels are quite different. Surounded by high mountains and hanging glaciers, its quite a sight. Pictured above is a shot of our haulout aginst the marina wall where we cleaned the bottom in preparation for the trip south. Also a photo of nature at work as Volcan Chaitan continues to erupt and create new mountains.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Decompressing in Chiloe

Hello from Isla Chiloe! Casey and I are anchored off the 'big city' of Castro, a population of 25K, the largest on the island. Regrouping from a whirlwind 3 weeks of traveling both on and off the boat with Casey's parents and sis. So good to have them, but so good to get a little breathing room back on the boat. 35 feet for 5 people is not adequate for very long!! but, we managed not to kill each other and even continue to like each other, a real plus! So, today finds Casey and I doing the usual shuffle in preparation to start making way to the southern fjiords - cleaning, shopping, restocking the fridge with meats, veggies, as much fresh stuff as we can keep, changing the engine oil, refueling the tank, and a literal reshuffle of items on deck. We are carrying 15 more gallons of fuel on deck for a total of 6 jerry cans, plus 2 spools of shore lines which we are told we will need to secure to most anchorages as we head south. Casey is constantly thinking of how she's sail with this on the starboard side and that on port...

Monday, July 14, 2008

YOTREPS Offshore Reports

YOTREPS Offshore Reports

Here is a link to the daily position report page that we were keeping updated while underway. Each morning, usually Jamie would fill out an position report page that included speed, heading, weather information and a short comment of the days activities. We were suprised how many people were following our progress, and we know it made the mother feel better to see us check in each day.

Picasa Web Albums - Santa Magdalena

Picasa Web Albums - Santa Magdalena

Here is a link to our Picasa photos posted for the past 2 years of wandering.